Why do the keto diet

By | September 3, 2020

why do the keto diet

However, with regards to the keto diet as a tool for weight loss and other health benefits, the jury is still out. But there are a number of studies of ketogenic diets that are at least 2 years in duration. I have chronic migraine, basically intractable. Like many anticonvulsant drugs, the ketogenic diet has an adverse effect on bone health. The formula is available in both and ratios, either unflavoured or in an artificially sweetened vanilla flavour and is suitable for tube or oral feeding.

However, lifestyle changes only work when you do them. The original therapeutic diet for paediatric epilepsy provides just enough protein for body growth and repair, and sufficient calories [Note 1] to maintain the correct weight for age and height. Those risks add up — so make sure that you talk to a doctor and a registered dietitian before ever attempting a ketogenic diet.

Recently, many of my patients have been asking about a ketogenic diet. Is a ketogenic diet safe? Would you recommend it? Despite the recent hype, a ketogenic diet is not something new. In medicine, we have been using it for almost years to treat drug-resistant epilepsy, especially in children. In the s, Dr. Atkins popularized his very-low-carbohydrate diet for weight loss that began with a very strict two-week ketogenic phase. Over the years, other fad diets incorporated a similar approach for weight loss. In essence, it is a diet that causes the body to release ketones into the bloodstream.

Think that do the keto diet why opinion you commit

You may also feel a metallic taste in your mouth during ketosis. This is simply due to the excretion of by-products created.

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