What sweetener is used in diet pepsi

By | November 3, 2020

what sweetener is used in diet pepsi

I agree with you! I think that it was a very underhanded move by PepsiCo to change the formula back to Aspartame without any notification whatsoever! Pete on December 11, at am. Thanks for the info. In , The Coca-Cola Company announced it would produce a sucralose-containing formulation of Diet Coke known as Diet Coke with Splenda, but that it would continue to produce the aspartame version as well. Advanced Search Submit entry for keyword results. Just tonight it hit me I am drinking more soda again which sent me to the ingredients lable and then online where i found this article and how they have brought it back..

After further studies in the s linked saccharin to cancer as well, most manufacturers switched to aspartame in Also Mountain Dew Baja blast zero sugar just came out and is sweetened with Sucralose! Admin on April 22, at pm. A curse upon PepsiCo for returning to the foul-tasting, dangerous aspartame. A lot of consumers are concerned about possible health effects of sugar substitutes and caffeine overuse.

Aspartame makes my eyes burn. I quit drinking diet soda due to side effects from aspartame. Retrieved 4 August Diet Coke with Splenda has now been discontinued and so has Coca-cola Life made with cane sugar and stevia Reply. I emailed them when they went to splenda and thanked them, so much for that! I have got it from Kroger many times. Namespaces Article Talk.

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