What is the best diet today

By | October 8, 2020

what is the best diet today

CNN Who won the battle of the diets? Beans, legumes, pulses — A plant-based diet underpins the health of those who live longest according to experts. Beans, legumes and pulses such as lentils and chickpeas, compared with any other food, are the most important dietary predictor of longevity. They probably offer the best bang for your nutritional buck than any other food out there. Hide Caption. Wild greens — Wild greens like purslane, dandelion and arugula are a great source of minerals as well as carotenoids— the colorful pigments our body converts to vitamin A. Mushrooms — Mushrooms, particularly shiitake, contain more than compounds with immune-protecting properties. Turmeric — Ginger’s golden cousin is a powerful anticancer, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent. Okinawan sweet potatoes — Imo is a supercharged purple sweet potato that doesn’t cause blood sugar to spike as much as a regular white potato.

The diet is ranked number two tied with DASH on the best diets overall category for the first time. Harvie M, Howell The. Beans, legumes, pulses — A plant-based diet underpins what health of those who live longest according to experts. Read our diet. You dieh be interested in some of the best comments made by the expert panel regarding some of these diets. Today Sciences.

The diet focuses on “10 brain-healthy food groups: green leafy vegetables in particular, all other vegetables, nuts, berries, beans, whole grains, fish, poultry, olive oil and wine,” according to U. The diet focuses on eating less red meat, sugar and saturated fat and more Omegarich fish and olive oil. Learn More About Vegetarian Diets. One study found that those who ate a handful of nuts at least five times a week lived two to three years longer than those who didn’t eat any nuts. It’s basically a vegetarian diet that allows the occasional piece of meat or fish, thus making it “flexible. November 7, This low-carb, high-protein diet has been around for decades. Salmon is also a good source of lean protein.