Weekend Link Love — Edition 517

By | August 21, 2018

Research of the Week

Breastfeeding for six months protects against dental malocclusion.

Roundup Ready… breakfast cereal?

A weak grip spells health troubles for everyone.

Taking DMT mimics the near death experience.

New Primal Blueprint Podcasts

Episode 271: Arielle Ford: Host Elle Russ chats with Arielle Ford about manifesting love (which some say is all you need).

Each week, select Mark’s Daily Apple blog posts are prepared as Primal Blueprint Podcasts. Need to catch up on reading, but don’t have the time? Prefer to listen to articles while on the go? Check out the new blog post podcasts below, and subscribe to the Primal Blueprint Podcast here so you never miss an episode.

Interesting Blog Posts

Protein and your kidneys.

There is a possibility that we are only in a short lull between sabercats.”

War has always been hell. Could the real cause of the modern PTSD epidemic be a uniquely modern input: brain damage from massive explosions?

Media, Schmedia

Everybody has a limit.

Monsanto takes another hit in court.

Everything Else

Scientists crack the wheat genome.

Did John Muir mess up Yosemite?

Things I’m Up to and Interested In

Wine I’d drink: The one Tania Teschke recommends. Speaking of which, check out Tania’s site for great recipes and upcoming free events.

I can already feel my inbox bulging at the seams: “Low-carb diets could shorten life, study says.”

Article I’m reading: “Why drink is the secret to humanity’s success.”

Study I found interesting: After their liberation from Japanese rule in 1945, Korean skull size skyrocketed.

This isn’t medical advice: Briefs replace the pill.

Recipe Corner

Time Capsule

One year ago (Aug 12 – Aug 18)

Comment of the Week

“My daughter came into my study while I was reading this and yelled ‘MOM … dad is worried about how much protein he’s eating!!!’ I told her I’m just reading an article on my go to health site LOL. ”

– Hilarious, HealthyHombre.


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11 thoughts on “Weekend Link Love — Edition 517”

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  1. “Breastfeeding for six months protects against dental malocclusion”. Does that include non-nutritional breast “feeding” and can it help a man in his 40s achieve better dental occlusion?

    1. Is there anyone moderating these comments?

      1. I think that Aaron just won the “comment of the week” competition…

        1. In Dude-World, maybe.

  2. Happy to see the study on low-carb diets is pending in your queue, Mark! I’m sure I’m one of many who would love to read your insight…

    The concentration on macro intake as a percentage throughout the study seems very misleading to me. They claim that carbohydrate intakes of 50% are ideal for longevity, however there is no baseline given for how many total calories are being ingested by the participants? Nor their general level of fitness and/or exercise routine?

    With a 4000 calorie maintenance, it would be a breeze to take in 2000 calories from carbohydrates whilst consuming plenty of protein and fat. But what about a 2000 calorie diet? That leaves only 1000 calories for BOTH protein and fat intake? Doesn’t seem the healthiest for an active individual…

    1. I also anxiously await Mark’s take on this study.

  3. I knew my children were “unique!” Breastfed exclusively for at least six months (first one was almost a year), but we still spent thousands on orthodontia.

  4. Re the Korea story, in other obvious news that’s obvious, the children of my husband’s generation who were raised in the US & Canada are all a head taller than their parents who were raised in India.

  5. Ayahuasca and DMT…two old friends.

    Amy Berger and Ted Naiman rock.

    Yosemite and the native americans article was excellent. If anyone has time, read about Hetch Hetchy, a close by other valley of pristine beauty that was ruined.

  6. I’m always suspicious of studies that ask people what they ate over the years totally from memory. The variance from what people thought they ate compared to what they actually ate is obvious to anyone who has ever logged their dietary intake for the first time. Once one regularly logs food intake, then their estimates get more accurate, but the average person’s “guesstimates” are bound to be highly inaccurate. I can easily imagine different people with the exact same dietary history having totally different recollections of what their macro ratios were.
    Just more junk science with some obvious biases that too many people will accept as a valid study.

  7. Cause and effect is typically difficult to identify. Weak grip versus longevity is interesting, may just point to less activity in the individual. I inherited scrawny wrists and small hands and over the years have done a lot of grip and forearm training just trying to attain average grip strength for a guy. The study linking consumption of alcohol and longevity, with the hypothesis that the intereaction with others may be the key was also thought-provoking. I wonder if strong family ties and friendships along with a healthy lifestyle would engender that longevity without requiring alcohol as part of the equation. Blue zone types of studies indicate as much.

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