The Snack Attack

By | October 20, 2019


Americans are addicted to junk foods and are addicted to snacks. Americans are getting fatter and their health problems are increasing as their eating habits get worse..


For example in the late 1970s about 40% of Americans surveyed said that they did not have any snacks during the day. by 2007 only 10% of those surveyed did not have any snacks during the day.


We have been writing about this problem for years and have coined the phrase “watch out for the Sugar Monster.” The federal government is finally getting concerned about this problem and health officials are now reviewing scientific research on the effect of eating habits and eating frequency on health.


We do not expect any new insights from this work. The bottom line is that eating habits need to change. The question will be how to implement the necessary changes and how to change the eating habits of the average American.




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