Tag Archives: Taking

Can dogs die from taking tramadol

It was a human nurse that told me that his decline was likely due to the amount of tramadol. Never take tramadol more often or at a higher dose than prescribed by your doctor. I just got this med for anxiety and depression and OCD. Dog had can dogs die from taking tramadol today for… Read More »

Can you eat after taking diazepam

Join now’ you agree to our Terms and conditions and Privacy policy. The diazepam dose prescribed and how often to take it will be individualised for you or your child depending on your personal circumstances. If you have anxiety, there’s a chance you’ve taken a medication like Xanax or Klonopin at can you eat after… Read More »

Taking klonopin only when needed

Benzodiazepines such taking klonopin only when needed clonazepam can be very effective in controlling status epilepticus, but, when used for longer periods of time, some potentially serious side-effects may develop, such as interference with cognitive functions and behavior. One-third of individuals treated with benzodiazepines for longer than four weeks develop a dependence on the drug… Read More »