Tag Archives: Quit

Can vaping help you quit smoking?

It’s hard to overstate the dangers of smoking. Nearly 500,000 people die of tobacco-related disease each year in the US. Over the next decade, estimates are that around eight million people will die prematurely worldwide each year due to tobacco use. The list of tobacco-related diseases and conditions is long and growing. It includes: cardiovascular… Read More »

Cutting Down On Drinking Can Help You Quit Smoking

Research has revealed that heavy drinkers who’re attempting to quit smoking could find that limiting their alcohol consumption could also help them to quit smoking.[1] The nicotine metabolite ratio of study participants who consumed alcohol heavily reduced as their alcohol consumption was limited. Nicotine metabolite ratio is a biomarker which indicates how fast an individual’s… Read More »

The 23 Best Ways to Quit Smoking

Picture yourself playing tennis gowithstock/Shutterstock Or go play tennis. British researchers found volunteers trying to quit smoking were better able to ignore their urges to smoke when they were told to visualize a tennis match. Create a smoke-free zone Icatnews/Shutterstock Don’t allow anyone to use tobacco in your home, car, or even while sitting next… Read More »