Tag Archives: promise

AI software test shows promise for breast ultrasound diagnoses

A test of artificial intelligence in assessing breast ultrasound examinations has offered some evidence that it aids in cancer detection and boosts physician accuracy. The best, conducted by a New York-based private practice radiology group that performs a high volume of such exams found promising results in assessing lesions found during breast ultrasound examinations. The… Read More »

Cybersecurity poses big challenges, but new cloud approaches hold promise

As healthcare organizations gets more comfortable with the idea of cloud migration, many hospitals and health systems are finding that the security demands of this new paradigm are different than they may have expected. As Dr. John Halamka, new president of Mayo Clinic Platform, noted at the Healthcare Security Forum in Boston earlier this month,… Read More »

Medical News Today: New drug shows promise against several aggressive cancers

A new phase I/II open-label, dose-escalation trial has recently tested the effectiveness of a “Trojan horse” drug in treating multiple types of otherwise treatment-resistant cancer in its late stages. A new clinical trial assesses the safety and effectiveness of an innovative drug against multiple cancers at an advanced stage. Recently, a team of experts from… Read More »

Amazon's new machine learning offerings promise wide range of healthcare applications

Amazon has released new machine learning tools with a wide range of applications for the healthcare space. The new Amazon Elastic Inference service harnesses a scalable GPU model, enabling customers to choose the amount of computing power they need with the option to scale up or down as demands dictate. GPUs provide a tremendous surge… Read More »