Tag Archives: Common

A Breakthrough Nasal Spray That Could Block COVID-19, Flu, and Common Cold

Respiratory infections like COVID-19, influenza, and the common cold are primarily spread through airborne respiratory droplets. These droplets enter our bodies through the nasal passages, where pathogens can begin to take hold. However, recent scientific advancements are showing promise in stopping these infections before they even start. A team of researchers from Brigham and Women’s… Read More »

From skin to bones: The benefits of a common labeling language for enterprise imaging

Every medical specialty uses imaging. A patient might have X-rays from a ten-year-old fracture along with MRI scans and surgical photos from a recent cancer. The wealth of information affords doctors a more detailed look at a patient. Enterprise imaging brings all of the specialties together. A photograph of a melanoma by a dermatologist, say,… Read More »

What are common cardiovascular terms

Typically common is a large hole between the upper chambers of the heart the atria and, often, are additional hole between the lower chambers of the heart the ventricles. Potato cardiovascular may help maintain muscle. A normal aortic valve has three leaflets. A kid with a heart problem will visit a pediatric cardiologist. If are… Read More »