Tag Archives: Brain

Hot Chocolate Could Be A Brain Booster

According to research, consuming 2 cups of hot chocolate each day could help the elderly maintain healthy brains and keep their thinking capabilities sharp. The research involved 60 individuals without dementia and an average age of 73. The individuals consumed 2 cups of hot cocoa each day for 1 month and didn’t consume any other… Read More »

How newborn’s brain ‘grew back’

A boy born with 2 per cent brain capacity has amazed medical professionals when a scan revealed the organ had grown up to 80 per cent of its original size within three years. The Sun reported that doctors believed there was no brain developed at all, but after another brain scan, medical staff were shocked… Read More »

The biology of obesity: How our ancient brain conspires to make us overeat

According to a new study, an additional 1.7 million Canadians will be living with obesity by 2023. Our growing girth is already at historic levels, and we’re among the heaviest countries in the world. Over the past decade, rates of overweight and obesity have increased in Canada, France, Mexico, Switzerland and the U.S., according to… Read More »