Sister Friends Get PrEP’d and Talk Candidly About Love and Sex [VIDEOS]

By | October 30, 2018

Describe your best orgasm, and tell us about your dating challenges.


Did those questions grab your attention? Of course, they did! They’re just a few of the topics raised by the women in a video series by GetPrEPLA that promotes HIV prevention pill Truvada as pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). In frank but friendly and informed conversations, the women chat about love, relationships, sex, HIV, empowerment and why they’re each taking PrEP.

Titled “Sister Friends: Get PrEP’d,” the campaign is part of the efforts by the Los Angeles County Department of Pubic Health to lower its HIV rates, specifically among women at risk for the virus.

According to a press release from the health department about the campaign, among women living with HIV in Los Angeles County, 35 percent are Black, 45 percent are Latina and about 30 percent are transgender. Thus, the videos—one of which is in Spanish with English subtitles—highlight these population groups.

“I’m happy to be part of something that gives Black women and transgender women of color an opportunity to empower themselves,” said Tchaiko Omawale, director of the Black and transgender women videos, in the press release.

“Collectively, we’ve made substantial progress in reducing new HIV infections in LA County, but our goal is to stop them from occurring,” said Muntu Davis, MD, MPH, Los Angeles County health officer, in the release. “PrEP is one of the best tools for preventing HIV infections. Yet despite its effectiveness, PrEP remains underutilized among people at high-risk in Los Angeles County, in California, and across the country.”

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To learn more about the Los Angeles PrEP campaigns, including a PrEP locator, visit

To read about a $ 2.16 million grant to better understand why Black women are less likely to start PrEP, click here.

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