Pet fish survives tumor-removal surgery, back to swimming

By | October 9, 2019

The Australian owners of a koi fish who underwent a 10-minute surgery last week to remove a potentially deadly tumor have posted a video interview featuring their scaled friend happily swimming with the other fish back in his pond.

The fish, named “Bubbles,” is believed to be between 5 and 8 years old, and started growing a mass about six months ago, reported.

Bubbles’ owner, Michael Dare, who is also the owner of ZenDen Acupuncture Clinic in Townsville, contacted James Cook University veterinarians, who told him that the tumor could be fatal for the fish if it wasn’t operated on.

Dr. Ingrid Danyiyk performed the surgery, and told 9 News North Queensland that the tumor was likely caused by a virus. Bubbles was taken out of an anesthetic water bath and placed on a wet sponge on the surgical table, and she said the operation then went forth as it would on any other animal.

The procedure reportedly took 10 minutes and Bubbles was then placed back into fresh water.

“We wanted to see the fish survive,” Dare told the news outlet, adding that while the procedure cost around $ 300, it’s “survival is more important than cost.”

Living | New York Post

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