Removing sweets from checkouts linked to dramatic fall in unhealthy snack purchases

Policies aimed at removing sweets and crisps from checkouts could lead to a dramatic reduction to the amount of unhealthy food purchased to eat ‘on the go’ and a significant reduction in that purchased to take home, suggests new research led by the University of Cambridge. The study, published in the journal PLOS Medicine, found… Read More »

Obesity and the Flu

It has been known for some time that obese people are at increased symptoms for more severe symptoms and complications if they get the flu. Now it has been reported that obese people are also likely  to remain sick and infectious long than those who are not obese.   This is another reason for you,… Read More »

Had a beer at the best bush pub in NSW?

They say it’s got about an 80km radius catchment and we’re not talking about water that flows into a big dam, but the people who flow into the best pub in NSW. At Armatree, while the rain hasn’t flowed, the beer has, and also the talk, the comradeship and also the community spirit. It’s been the… Read More »