How Pushups Can Help Men’s Hearts

In a 10-year study published in February, researchers reported that men who can do 40 pushups have a whopping 96% lower risk of heart disease than guys who can’t muster 10. The average man in the study: Nearly 40 years old and overweight, but not obese. All 1,562 men were physically active firefighters rather than… Read More »

5 Foods & Drinks That Can Trigger A Headache, & 5 That Can Soothe One – Bustle

I don’t know about you, but if there’s a meat and cheese plate on the menu, I’m definitely ordering it. Thankfully, aged cheeses and cured meats are not headache triggers for me. However, the Cleveland Clinic noted that cheeses such as “blue cheese, brie, cheddar, English stilton, feta, gorgonzola, mozzarella, muenster, parmesan, [and] Swiss [cheese]”… Read More »