Using headphones with hearing aids

Thanks to recent advancements in hearing device technology, millions of people with hearing loss are able to hear their favorite sounds and enjoy conversing with their favorite people. One perk this new technology affords users is compatibility with other personal electronic devices, such as smartphones and televisions. Sometimes, as in the case of headphones and… Read More »

Otago invention helps patients manage Inflammatory Bowel Disease

As increasing numbers of New Zealanders are being diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), University of Otago researchers have developed a smartphone application (app) proven to be as effective as clinical care in helping patients manage their disease. IBDsmart, an app for symptom monitoring for patients with IBD was launched by one of the developers,… Read More »

Climate change will have dire consequences for US, federal report concludes

The federally mandated study was supposed to come out in December but was released by the Trump administration on Friday, at a time when many Americans are on a long holiday weekend, distracted by family and shopping. David Easterling, director of the Technical Support Unit at the NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information, emphasized that… Read More »