Is a keto diet safe for prediabetes

By | July 24, 2020

is a keto diet safe for prediabetes

In the summer of I was 8 weeks pregnant when I got a call from my nurse-midwife. My grandparents, aunts, and uncles succumb to premature deaths from complications of Type 2 Diabetes. But this was different. The diagnosis is mine. My baby could have seizures, suffer physical injuries, or stop breathing at birth. So my story begins as a mother whose unborn child is in danger. Like a bear with a cub surrounded by hungry predators… I would fight to protect my young. My blood was toxic to the baby.

The body uses insulin to help bring glucose from the blood into the cells for energy. DKA is a medical emergency. Give me keto, pork belly, or salmon, prediabetes above-the-ground veggie. Brown rice for no different. A ketogenic diet may help some people with type 2 diabetes because it allows the body to maintain glucose js at a low but healthy safe. Diet is important for both type 1 and type 2 diet. Are you able and willing to give up so many foods…forever?

This can mean weak bones that are highly susceptible to fractures when a person follows the keto diet. Cons Difficult to limit carbohydrates so much. The diet can help you cut calories by: Eliminating or severely restricting high-calorie foods such as sweets and refined carbohydrates. The word ketogenic means the body produces ketones. A plant-based diet may be more beneficial for you both short and long term. A study found that people with diabetes who followed a plant-based diet experienced significant improvements in blood sugars and A1c, cardiovascular disease risk factors, gut bacteria that is responsible for insulin sensitivity, and inflammatory markers like C-reactive protein. By switching the focus to fat, some people experience reduced blood sugar.

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