Hair Loss in Men

By | October 11, 2018

Hair shedding is the natural part of your hair growth life cycle. It is normal to lose a few hair strands on daily basis but the increased rate of hair shedding can be problematic. Hair loss is an emerging issue in men which can occur due to a number of reasons. According to research, 85% of the men suffer from drastic hair loss conditions by the time they turn fifty. However, hair loss can also occur even in the twenties and early thirties. Hair shedding is the natural part of your hair growth life cycle. It is normal to lose a few hair strands on daily basis but the increased rate of hair shedding can be problematic. Hair loss is an emerging issue in men which can occur due to a number of reasons. According to research, 85% of the men suffer from drastic hair loss conditions by the time they turn fifty. However, hair loss can also occur even in the twenties and early thirties.

Curing hair loss is not an easy task. You have to find out the type of your hair loss and the reason behind it. It is crucially important to understand the complete concept of your hair growth life cycle and the causes that disrupt it.
Basically, there are three phases of hair growth life cycle:

1. Anagen Phase
In this phase, your hair grows around a half inch per month. It is also called the growing phase of your hair follicles which continued for about 3 to 5 years.

2. Catagen Phase
It is a transitional phase that lasts for almost 10 days.

3. Telogen Phase
Telogen phase is also known as resting phase. It is a state in which your hair starts to shift from growing phase to the resting one. The fallen out hair makes room for the growth of new hair.
The hair growth life cycle in men can be disturbed by the following factors:

• Stress

Stress increases the production of cortisol in your body which can disrupt the levels of hormones like DHT in your body. Dihydrsterone (DHT) reduces your hair growth and hence it is the main culprit of hair loss in men.

• Medical Conditions

Basic health issues or various medical conditions like autoimmune diseases and diabetes lead to alopecia areata. Medications like anti-depressants and oral retinoid greatly affect your hair growth life cycle and cause severe hair loss. It is highly suggested to avoid sudden withdrawal of these medicines.

• Diet

An unhealthy diet is the main cause of many health issues including hair loss. Lack of nutrients in your body makes your mane weak and fragile. As a result of which, hair loss can occur. Eating fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, poultry, and eggs help in overcoming nutritional deficiencies.

• Heredity

Partial and complete baldness can occur at young ages like the twenties and thirties. Such type of hair loss is too rapid to too handle. It’s already too late when you diagnose heredity the actual cause of your hair loss.

No matter what causes hair loss in men, Toppik Hair Building Fibers is always available to camouflage hair loss. Alopecia areata, partial, and complete baldness can easily be covered with the use of these fibers. Toppik 12g is available in a number of shades, all you have to do is select your suitable fiber color in order to achieve a natural thicker hair look. It’s time to gain an instant hair volume by Toppik Value Pack.

By: agha hadi raza

Agha is a well-known writer. He works with Hair Building Fiber in Pakistan, online toppik products companies he has a lot of experience in hair loss remedies . he helps people with his blog. He lives in Dubai with his family

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Article Tags: Hair care , Skin Care , Cosmetics , Makeup ,

Submitted On Sep 19, 2018. Viewed 70 times.

Article Directory USA: Health & Fitness | Hair Loss