Do Couples That Train Together Really Stay Together?

By | September 2, 2018

Do Couples That Train Together REALLY Stay Together? – Men’s Health

Bit of morning fun with @bella_be_active ��‍♀️��

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“If we look more closely at the mental effects that fitness has, we can even see that those who exercise regularly were also more likely to rate their own happiness level a 10 out of 10 than those who don’t exercise. This truly underlines the fact that the positive effects of exercise go far beyond the purely physical aspects many focus on,” says Daniel Sobhani, Freeletics CEO, the business behind the recent survey.

(Related: 6 ways exercise will make you happy)

Mental and emotional benefits aside, why exactly do couples who train together see such great results? A 2016 study published in the journal Obesity suggests that weight loss is faster when training with a fitter partner. The study goes on to explain that the more time spent with the fitter individual, the more weight that’s lost. Seems like a bit of a one-way street if you’re the fitter half of the partnership.

(Related: Men could lose weight faster than women, and here’s why)

If you are tackling the big game of life alone (aka you’re single), fear not, you can still chase the lifestyle of Instagram’s prettiest fitfluencers. You can experience similar benefits to couples workouts by joining in on a group class… although you might not get as much sex. Or you may get more. That’s your business.

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“Group activity may not be a new concept but it has certainly seen massive international up-trends over the last twenty years with rapidly rising numbers in spin cycling, aerobic and dance-based classes and the emergence of CrossFit and its tribe mentality,” says Rob McGillivray, personal trainer and founder of Retrofit, when talking to NBC News on the subject.

(Related: Everything you need to know about CrossFit)

“I believe it to be a key indicator that working out in a motivational pack or using it as a tool to enhance internal or external competitive performance is fast becoming the preferred form of exercise.”

And if you’re still set on working out with your missus but finding yourself single, you’d better brush up on your Tinder game ASAP.

A version of this article originally appeared on

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