Can I Get Cialis Over the Counter in My Country?

By | September 7, 2018

Can I Get Cialis Over the Counter in My Country? If you are in the United States or other countries which do not currently allow the sale of Cialis over the counter, you can be sure that this will end soon. Although we cannot accurately project when exactly it happens, all factors point to the near future. But in the meantime, you can still get Cialis with no RX by ordering online or visiting other countries.

However, because of the risks that are associated with Cialis over the counter, some actions will have to be undertaken before it becomes available with no restrictions. Here are some of the things that will help to smoothen the road for both the consumers and manufacturers of OTC Cialis.

First, the prices of Cialis have to be well regulated so that the consumers find it more affordable to buy from a pharmacy than going online. It is well known that online purchases, especially from unverified retailers, are associated with many risks such as counterfeit meds and scammers. But the low <a href=””>prices of ED drugs in online stores</a> lure people in that direction.

Secondly, the authorities regulating drugs need to be more vigilant in hunting the manufacturers and the sellers of counterfeit meds down. When found, they should be punished more strictly to discourage new entrants. When counterfeits and scammers are effectively dealt with, consumers will have a chance to safely buy Cialis with no bureaucratic issues and with little to worry about.

The border regulations should also be adhered to. The people controlling movement at the border have a hard time checking the drugs being transported into countries because some of the laws are inconsistent. Moreover, sometimes the workforce is overwhelmed leading to highly ineffective checkups. All these need to be rectified first.

Even as we buy meds over the counter, it is a good idea to have some onsite evaluation before receiving the drug we?re interested in. Though this can be seen as equivalent to obtaining a prescription, the process is much more discrete and simple. When you are buying from an e-pharmacy for example, you should get an online prescription which is availed after you fill a form and your responses are analyzed by a professional. This way, the health hazards of the drugs being sold are controlled much more efficiently.

We are going to be super-happy when we receive the news of the official launch of no-prescription Cialis. It is going to be a game changer, and hopefully the availability and prices of the drug will also be affected. All we hope for is the positive outcome and more options for the consumers to pick from. This is also going to take the competition for customers among different ED drug manufacturers up to another level. But one thing that the consumers should be thinking about amidst all this is the safety of these over the counter medications. Always remember that it is your health that?s at stake, so even when OTC Cialis hits the pharmacy shelves, don?t miss a chance to talk to your doctor prior to buying the pills ? it may save you from very unpleasant consequences.

By: legs lilo lepke

Cialis Over the Counter

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Submitted On Sep 04, 2018. Viewed 0 times.

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