Author Archives: Health

Effects of psychedelic DMT 'similar to near-death experiences'

Image copyright Getty ImagesImage caption DMT is the major psychoactive compound in ayahuasca, a drink made from vines The effects of a powerful psychedelic drug are similar to a near-death experience, research suggests. Answers to a questionnaire showed a “striking similarity” between people describing a near-death experience and volunteers given DMT. The Imperial College London… Read More »

Pancreatic cancer: anybody can get it

Steve Jobs died of Pancreatic Cancer: Many people think that they can get cancer only if they have certain ‘bad’ habits’. Unfortunately, cancer isn’t attracted to only the ‘bad habits’. Though certain things are definitely the causes of cancer, like smoking and excess intake of alcohol; it’s a myth that it is caused only due… Read More »

How the humble cabbage can stop cancers

Image copyright Getty Images Scientists say they have discovered why some vegetables – including cabbage, broccoli and kale – can reduce the risk of bowel cancers. That cruciferous veg is good for the gut has never been in doubt but a detailed explanation has been elusive. The team at the Francis Crick Institute found anti-cancer… Read More »