AllianceBernstein Recognized By ESG Clarity UK Awards

By | July 29, 2022

At AllianceBernstein, we’re fully invested in actively pursuing responsibility—from the way we work, our community service, and the investment solutions we deliver to our clients. AB is honored to be recognized by ESG Clarity UK Awards in the Engagement category.

About AllianceBernstein
AllianceBernstein is a leading global investment management firm that offers high-quality research and diversified investment services to institutional investors, individuals and private wealth clients in major world markets.

As of September 30, 2021, including both the general partnership and limited partnership interests in AllianceBernstein, AllianceBernstein Holding owned approximately 36.1% of AllianceBernstein and Equitable Holdings, Inc. (“EQH”), directly and through various subsidiaries, owned an approximate 64.7% economic interest in AllianceBernstein.

Additional information about AB may be found on our website,

Source: RealWire

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