3 Reasons All Supplement Companies MUST Update Their Nutritional Labels

By | April 24, 2020

You may be noticing something different about REDCON1, and it’s not just the amazing new products, flavors, and apparel that we launch faster and more frequently than any other supplement company in the industry. Some of you may be noticing that the label on your favorite REDCON1 supplement has changed. I know, I know, change is bad! But it isn’t always a bad thing. There are several reasons why the label on the REDCON1 Products, from TOTAL WAR® and BIG NOISE® to MRE® and MRE LITE®, along with many others, have changed.

Reason #1 FDA Labeling Compliance

Recently, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) updated its labeling regulations for both conventional foods (B.A.R. Breakfast at the Ready®, MRE BARTM, ISOTOPE ® whey protein powder, MRE® and MRE LITE®) and dietary supplements (Total War®, Big Noise®, MOAB®, 11 Bravo®, Halo and the rest of the REDCON1 line of products). So, one of the changes you will notice is the layout of the Nutrition Facts panel on the back of the product that lists the nutrients and/or dietary ingredients that are in the product. One noticeable change is that Calories are displayed in a much larger font with the number of calories standing out even larger. Another change you will notice is that some products now have different Percent Daily Values (%DV) compared to the “old labels.” This is because the FDA updated the Recommended Daily Values for certain Nutrients, Vitamins and Minerals.

Reason #2 Trademarks

It’s undeniable that REDCON1 has the most unique and bada$ $ names for our products. And when you compete in an industry filled with copycats and “me too” brands, you need to protect your intellectual property. That’s why REDCON1 has applied for and been granted numerous trademarks for the names of our products. In addition to the products listed above, Med+Kit®, Breach®, Double Tap®, FUBAR®, Cluster Bomb®, G.I. Juice® and Silencer® are all Federally Registered Trademarks with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) owned by REDCON1. There are numerous other Federally Registered Trademarks owned by REDCON1 in addition to those listed in this article.

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Before a product name is Federally Registered, you may see the “TM” symbol in the upper right-hand corner of the name. This means the company is trying to protect its trademark pending official registration with the USPTO. Naturally, as our product names changed from “pending” to Federally Registered, we needed to update our labels to change that “TM” symbol to the ® symbol. We want the world to know who owns those names!

Reason #3 Readability

We all love REDCON1’s branding and that is due to our amazingly talented Graphic Arts department who take an idea for a product label and make it tangible. REDCON1’s labels are iconic for their dark colors, gray scale, silhouette backdrops and camouflage neckbands. However, as we continue to grow and expand, we wanted to make the product attributes more easily readable to consumers who may not be purchasing the product directly off our website and for new customers who may be seeing it for the first time. In order to make those attributes “pop” to a consumer viewing the product from a shelf, we updated the middle icon from black/grey to have that golden-yellow REDCON1 color scheme that says “best pre-workout,” “Muscle Builder,” “Meal Replacement,” etc.

Some of our original products still have the “old label” version, and those are still the same products you know and love, but stock is dwindling. So, when you see the golden-yellow middle icon on your label, you’ll know for certain that it is the fully updated, new version of the REDCON1 label for the reasons stated in this article.

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This content is brought to you by Hannah Madison.

Photos provided by the author.

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