Tag Archives: Linked

How can diet be linked to technology

If you look on the side of food packets you will see the food’s energy content. A systematic review and meta-analysis of psychological predictors of successful assisted reproductive technologies. Learn more here about linker. Why do people need phosphorus? Current guidelines for adults recommend consuming 1, mg a day, and 1, mg for women aged… Read More »

High-fat diet with antibiotic use linked to gut inflammation: Combining Western diet and antibiotic use is a pre- IBD risk factor – Science Daily

UC Davis researchers have found that combining a Western-style high-fat diet with antibiotic use significantly increases the risk of developing pre-inflammatory bowel disease (pre-IBD). The study, published July 14 in Cell Host and Microbe, suggests that this combination shuts down the energy factories (mitochondria) in cells of the colon lining, leading to gut inflammation. Irritable… Read More »

New research finds drinking tea on a regular basis is linked to a longer life

Stick on the kettle.  Listen up tea lovers, as new research has shown that regular tea consumption is linked to a longer and healthier life. The study as reported in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, found that drinking tea at least three times a week can lower the risk of cardiovascular disease and improve… Read More »