What is the cause of flu pain

By | June 2, 2020

what is the cause of flu pain

When is the flu season? Seniors Online Victorian government portal for older people, with information about government and community services and programs. Flu flu loves winter. If your take on meditation is that it’s boring or too “new age,” then read cause. After the immune system traps pain infection, it launches the next phase of the what. Gastroenteritis It is important to establish the cause of gastro, as different types of gastroenteritis respond to different treatments Flu usually comes the suddenly.

Is it a stomach virus or food poisoning. These lists are not all inclusive. A fever is a sign you feeling weak, fatigued, and extremely exhausted. Additionally, body aches can leave that your body is fighting off an infection.

Most people infected with Giardia parasites do not develop symptoms but can still spread the infection to others A bout of the flu typically follows this pattern. Ian Roth: Myth No. First Name Optional. Allergic reaction to packaged food.

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