What happens if you skip cholesterol medication

By | June 12, 2020

what happens if you skip cholesterol medication

Having high-rates of LDL cholesterol is potentially dangerous as it can lead to hardening and narrowing of the arteries, which is known as atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis increases the risk of more serious, and possibly life-threatening, conditions, such as. Others do experience troublesome but usually minor side effects, such as an upset stomach, headache or problems sleeping insomnia. Cases that involve more serious side effects, such as kidney failure, tend to get a great deal of media coverage, but these cases are rare. The British Heart Foundation reports than only 1 in every 10, people who take statins will experience a potentially dangerous side effect. Also the risks of any side effects have to be balanced against the benefits of preventing serious conditions such as heart attack and stroke. Statins can sometimes interact with other medicines and cause unpleasant reactions such as muscle damage. Some types can also interact with grapefruit juice. It is very important to read the information leaflet that comes with your medication to see if there are any interactions you need to be aware of.

Understand your medicine. If one or more of these apply to you then you may need frequent monitoring for complications. Is staying on your drug regimen really necessary? Side effects Many people who take statins experience no or very few side effects. Do not double doses.

Skip what you cholesterol if medication happens good support

If you stop medications to lower your cholesterol, does that hurt you? Cholesterol-lowering drugs have benefits, but they also come with a few side effects, as do most medications. This may lead you to wonder if it’s worth it. In other cases, you may have been taking cholesterol medication for a year or longer. Your doctor says your blood levels are perfect and you feel fine.