How to cure the flu

By | May 3, 2020

how to cure the flu

The combination of body aches, fever, chills, and nasal congestion can be enough to make anyone miserable. There are plenty of home remedies that can alleviate your symptoms and get you back to normal. If you still feel sick after a few weeks, make an appointment with your doctor. If you have trouble breathing, have a rapid heartbeat, feel faint, or experience other severe symptoms, get medical help sooner. Keep reading to see what cold and flu remedies you can conjure up at home. Research suggests that enjoying a bowl of chicken soup with vegetables, prepared from scratch or warmed from a can, can slow the movement of neutrophils in your body. Neutrophils are a common type of white blood cell. They help protect your body from infection.

Eat a bland diet. Sampson, DO. In one study, researchers found that giving children 10 grams of honey at bedtime reduced the severity of their cough symptoms. The flu season was the deadliest in more than four decades with 80, deaths caused by the flu, including children. The flu virus survives longer in dry indoor air. Slurp chicken soup. Stay at home and rest, especially during the first 24 hours after becoming ill unless medical attention is necessary.

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Treatment of seasonal influenza in. Take Tamiflu or Xofluza as. You can shop online for. Creating more humidity in your home may reduce your exposure.