Valium wikipedia drug

By | 23.01.2019

valium wikipedia drug

Diazepam is used to treat anxiety disorders, alcohol withdrawal symptoms, or muscle spasms. Learn about side effects, interactions and indications. Diazepam (Also known as Diastat; Valium; Zetran) is a benzodiazepine that is Diazepam was the top-selling pharmaceutical in the United States from to. Jump to Drug Usage - Valium is available in tablet form and is typically taken 1 to 4 it is also greater in people with a history of alcohol or drug abuse.?User Ratings · ?Drug Interactions · ?Drug Precautions · ?Inform MD.

Valium wikipedia drug -

The high potency benzodiazepines alprazolam and triazolam and long-acting benzodiazepines are not recommended in the elderly due to increased adverse effects. Side effects in more detail. Diazepam is the most common benzodiazepine used in dogs and cats to reduce motor activity and permit placement of an IV catheter. This page was last edited on 16 May , at The therapeutic efficacy of Diazepam can be decreased when used in combination with Hyaluronidase. The risk or severity of adverse effects drug be increased when Diazepam is combined with Clobazam. Valium risk drug severity of valium effects can be increased vaoium Diazepam wikipedia combined with Dixyrazine. Its actions wikipddia mediated by enhancement of gamma-aminobutyric acid activity. Their use by expectant mothers shortly before the delivery may result in a floppy infant syndromewith the newborns suffering from hypotoniahypothermialethargyand breathing and feeding difficulties. While the definitive studies wikipedia lacking, the former view received support from a meta-analysis of 13 small studies.


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