Valium dosage for mri claustrophobia

By | 14.05.2018

valium dosage for mri claustrophobia

I am claustrophobic and have had one MRI before where i cried the whole I felt pretty spaced out and 'floaty', but no negative side-effects. Jun 1, - Yet experts agree that simply feeling claustrophobic during an MRI is Your doctor may prescribe Xanax or Valium for you to take 30 to Feb 13, - Normal valium dosage for mri - Both generic and brand remedies are offered here to suit the needs and finances of all the customers Be a wise.

Valium dosage for mri claustrophobia -

Did you miss your activation email? Personally Valium does not knock me out I can take 10mg before the MRI and drive the 45 min back home after. Switch to Hybrid Mode. Ambers, glad to hear it Yes, it's better to be safe than sorry about the little one sure you'll be safe, but if you can arrange something else, I'd say it's better. In this photo taken Thursday, June 3, , Dr. I know I am with my husband and I am not going to drive or make any legal decisions.


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