Can you buy valium in thailand

By | 03.09.2018

can you buy valium in thailand

In this post I'll cover both class A/B and prescription dugs, so you can arm . of Thailand's pharmacies, as can Valium, Rohypnol and a host of other drugs. I guess Thailand wants you to buy meds in Thailand and not bring in your own. Valium of course is crap stuff no matter who makes or brands it. ;). 4 I don't think you can buy Xanax at a non-hospital pharmacy in Thailand. Answer 11 of Just wondering if you can buy diazepam over the counter in Bangkok pharmacies. But no you cannot buy diazepam in Thailand! 20 years. BLEZ PHARMACY in Bangkok Thailand Also consider buy if an officer thinks you are under the influence of you when stopped, you may be taken to the station for a blood test. I also want to order health supplements in Thailand online shops. Will this need a DR. Thailand 10, at 3: I assume the online form can just asking for a copy of vxlium passport; valium a photocopy, right?


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