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Go for 1mg Xanax, unless you can get 20mg of Valium, that would probably be a bit nicer. really quite equal to 1 mg of xanax or 2 of ativan. it doesnt take anywhere . wait i thought 1mg ativan = 1mg xanax = 10mg valium in strength? those tables arent accurate and are usually desighned for withdrawl. Apr 28, - Table 1. Benzodiazepine Equivalency Approximately Equivalent Oral Doses, mg Time to Peak Level, hours Half-life, hours Alprazolam (Xanax) 0. Diazepam (Valium). 5– Flurazepam (Dalmane). Jul 25, - Valium and Xanax are both benzodiazepines, which are minor tranquilizers that can help with anxiety. Though they're similar, they're not.

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Withdrawal symptoms, acute and protracted, are described along with an explanation on Pioneering the Diazepam Substitution Taper and The Ashton Manual. The Ashton Manual has become a respected source of information about benzo withdrawal. It addresses tapering off benzodiazepines, a class. Benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome—often abbreviated to benzo withdrawal—is the cluster of symptoms that emerge when a person .. The reduction rate used in the Heather Ashton protocol calls for eliminating 10% of the . Part of the success was attributed to the placebo method used for part of the trial which broke the.